Success is a delicious cake – but fulfillment is the cherry on top

It can be quite wonderful when you reach that thing called success.  You’ve been working most likely for many years to get there and then suddenly you’re there.  You’ve got to that position you always wanted, won that award, walked up the red carpet and picked up the prize or got your business to the place you always set out to get to.

Problem is that that feeling of success can be short lived.  The first flush of success is intoxicating but as previous client of mine said the realisation of ‘what now’ can feel quite devastating.

If you’ve been totally focused on one thing bringing you that long lasting feeling of success then it is hard when that first bloom begins to fade.  And this is the society we live in.  It is short lived, it is always about the next best thing.  And so the drive to keep on going is continuous, and tiring, there isn’t really even time to bask in the success you’ve already had.

On top of that this can make you feel insecure in your choices.   However, this does not mean that success is not the right thing to go for, that your choices have been wrong.  Rather, what has been missing is a deeper underlying purpose behind the success.

And that is where fulfillment lies. Success can feel fleeting whereas fulfillment is a long lasting experience that fuels your drive towards wherever you choose to go. And success is part of that but it not the whole of it.

By taking the time to step back and understand what fulfillment means to you, you give yourself the gift of making life not only feel great some of the time but brilliant pretty much all of the time.

Taking time out is key

When you are caught up in the busy-ness of life it can be hard to step back and see what needs to be changed or adjusted to shift your experience of life.

I have devised a series of options to help you do just that:

Get Unstuck in Two Days that is held in Spain is an individual bespoke retreat that helps you see the wood for the trees and work out what needs to change for you to feel fulfilled in all that you do. Focused totally on your agenda together we work out what has been missingd and how you can make the changes you need.  This retreat can also be held in other areas of the world, the key thing is that we are away from the world with no distractions.

The Healing with Horses Retreat in Mustique is a slightly longer retreat but again individual.  We add horses into the mix as my coaching partner for this retreat, Lis Saint, is an equine assisted coach and horses are the most perfect mirror for what is going on in life.  Again, getting away from the real word to give you time to stop and think and feel is key.

And lastly, if you can’t get away from your busy work then I also offer transformational life guidance and coaching by video link.  We take the time to delve into areas of your life that do not feel as you’d like and together discover what would make life feel more whole and fulfilling whilst still feeling successful too.

Success is a delicious cake but fulfillment is the cherry on top. And we all want the cherry on top!

Here’s what one client said after we worked together:

I decided to fly 7,000 miles to a two-day retreat with Jessica based on nothing more than a review of her website and half hour phone conversation – this from a serious, responsible woman who doesn’t do anything without intensive due diligence and a huge, heaping helping of common sense.

It took three months before I could make the journey to Spain from my incredibly intense job, life, international travel schedule. I arrived feeling emotionally spent and physically and mentally exhausted. My, “wheel of life” looked like a crazy squashed snowflake rather than a beautiful bountiful circle. It was time to ask for help in reestablishing a healthy emotional, work-life balance, and building a more fulfilling life. I had gotten myself in over my head in many ways and needed direction, but had absolutely no idea where to begin or what to do.

Jessica is a wizard. In 48 hours she helped me on so many levels. She helped me to realize that my ideal for a much happier life was in my power all along. I had all the ingredients I needed, but the recipes needed to be rejiggered. There were so many, “ah-ha” moments – epiphanies of clarity and insight into unlocking blocks and turning around disappointments and frustrations so that they could become positive forces to move forward and build a wonderful future. Jessica gave me the insights and tools to achieve my goals and continue moving forward on this healthier and happier path.

The time spent with Jessica was uplifting and wholly constructive. It was never painful or destructive. She takes you as you are, the good, the bad and the ugly, and through unbelievable insight and teaching you simple tools, turns you into a swan. I left our two days together feeling empowered, hopeful, happy and recharged. I have a simple game-plan and a new set of tools to keep me on the path.

Time with Jessica is not cheap but wizard work is priceless.

A.B. General Council

How does it work?

We have a discovery call to discuss where youre stuck, and why the working together is of interest to you.  We will take a look at what you want to achieve and how you can set an intention for our work together. You also get the opportunity to ask me any questions you might have about how the it all works.  So give me a call or drop me a line and let’s discover what this means for you.  Or you can just fill in the booking form below and we can arrange our call. 

Once we both agree which programme is the right thing for you if you’ve decided you want to come on retreat then well look at dates (both weekends and weekdays are fine) and then I will send you an agreement plus further joining information. The retreats also included a minimum of four months follow on coaching to ensure that your retreat is not just a nice two days out of your busy life but continues to work its magic after you return home.  If you are choosing the Transformational Life Guidance and Coaching programme then we just need to decide dates and times.

There is a preparatory exercise to do so we can focus on exactly what you want and make sure you get what you need.  


Book a Discovery Session
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