Last thought provoker of the year and a friend mentioned recently that 2020 is a new era, a new decade.
It got me thinking about what I wanted to create in this decade. Not goals or New Years Resolutions but the feeling I want to predominantly feel.
Because what you feel governs your vibration which is a key part – if not the most important part – of creating life as you want it.
So click here and have a listen to the video and then decide, decide what this new decade, what 2020 will hold for you.
Happy Christmas and here’s to a wonderful 2020!
What is your life showing you right now? Maybe this has resonated with you, or maybe you are wondering about things that are happening right now in your life. If you feel you’d like some help deciphering your life’s journey then let’s have a chat. You can email me or give me a call on +44 (0)751 891 4604