For most of us we are three or even four weeks into the lock-down. The shock is beginning to lessen but now we are having to deal with the reality of the situation we find ourselves in.
It is rather like living through a hurricane, we can either be at the mercy of the high winds (or machinations of our mind) or we can hold ourselves steady in the eye of the storm, staying balanced, calm and centred.
Here is a short video with some tips for staying in the eye, some useful timely reminders of things you can do daily to help you weather this storm.
A new short programme designed to help you weather the storm
And to help you do just that I have created a new short, quick-fire programme of live video coaching – one to three session to help you solve whatever problem you are facing right now. Be it practical – like working from home with kids, or how to stay sane with your partner now you are together 24/7 or more emotional – dealing with the fear and anxiety, learning to be present and not create horror stories about your future.
Whatever problem you are dealing with I can help you solve it, so drop me a line and let’s have a chat and see how I can support you through this new paradigm we are living and creating and come out the other side feeling sane and positive about the future.
If you’d like to explore working together to solve whatever problem you are facing right now either email me or give me a call on +44 (0) 7518914604
What is your life showing you right now? Maybe this has resonated with you, or maybe you are wondering about things that are happening right now in your life. If you feel you’d like some help deciphering your life’s journey then let’s have a chat. You can email me or give me a call on +44 (0)751 891 4604