
“In less than two days (on retreat) with Jessica she helped me understand my needs and values and I learned that happiness, for me, is having those needs met and living and working in a way that is aligned with my values.   In my decades on this planet, I had not learned these basic truths about myself.  She took less than two days to get me there.”

Jessica is a wise soul with a gift for helping others identify their needs and desires, see the way forward and feel excited about life.  She knows more about human nature, how we limit ourselves and, more importantly, what we can do about it, than I thought anyone could.

In less than two days with Jessica she helped me understand my needs and values and I learned that happiness, for me, is having those needs met and living and working in a way that is aligned with my values.   In my decades on this planet, I had not learned these basic truths about myself.  She took less than two days to get me there.

And the whole experience was fun.  I had a fantastic time with Jessica; she is funny, kind and clever.   She has chosen a special place at Casa Ana.   I left with more energy and optimism than I would have thought possible; and with practical advice and a plan.

I wish I could tell anyone who has found Jessica how lucky they are – and to seize the opportunity to spend time with her.

E.W. Non Executive Director, UK