"During my time with Jessica I changed jobs; I moved to a new city; I ended a relationship; I bought my own home and I faced up to things in my past."
Jessica has been my Life Coach for 9 months. I have a wry smile as I write “9 months” because a new me was born out of our work together. A more honest, stronger, self assured me. Jessica helped me battle with the big stuff … and win.
During my time with Jessica I changed jobs; I moved to a new city; I ended a relationship; I bought my own home and I faced up to things in my past that I had swept under the carpet for decades.
And through it all Jessica was an incredible coach. She knew when it was best to offer gentle guidance or when a more rigor was to my benefit. I felt a sense of clarity in her guidance that I had not experienced before.
Jessica has a gift. A gift for insight and wisdom that is incredibly rare. It’s not just her professionalism and the fact that she is thoroughly well qualified for her role as Life Coach.
She has uncanny knack of getting to the crux of stuff and offering practical tools to help. Her sessions were never self indulgent; they helped me identify issues that held me back and moved me towards their resolution and ultimately a more fulfilled, honest me.
L.S. Film Producer, UK