True transformation is never a quick fix

I was chatting with someone recently about the work I do and she said that she got the impression that my work was far reaching and I responded that she was absolutely right. True transformation is never the quick fix but often people come to me when they are feeling like they are in crisis and that always makes them feel like they need fixing – fast. Problem is that the quick fix is often the band aid, it doesn’t address the underlying problem and so the wound reopens again, often quite quickly.

The truth is that the kind of work I do with people is never the quick fix. Sure, you start to feel better pretty quickly because you are taking steps to improve your life and create a life that will make you finally feel good about yourself. But this kind of work is the beginning of a journey that is literally for the rest of your life.

It can influence the choices you make as you go forward in life

Soon after that conversation I received this message out of the blue from an ex-client that I had not heard from for over 10 years. He wrote:

Hi Jessica, I just thought I send you a message to say thanks for your help all those years ago in Spain, must be 11 years ago now. You changed my life, I pursued a career in marketing and have over the years have steered towards tech and creative, I’m now marketing director of a specialised growing agency and work with a group of talented individuals, doing what I love.

I have a lovely family, a beautiful, caring and energetic and creative wife, she’s nothing short of amazing. We have two beautiful daughters; my stunning step daughter is now 17, talented and intelligent and also creative and my lovely little girl who is nearly 4 – my beautiful red headed little princess who loves to chat almost as much as her mum and big sister. Life is truly beautiful and I feel it was your influence that set me on this path, from the bottom of my heart, thank you! thank you thank you x

This is the kind of transformation I love to hear about – the work that we did was around gaining clarity around what he wanted to do with his life. Should he follow the ‘shoulds’ or go with his heart. His heart won out.

Following your heart is key

I believe that taking the time to do this kind of heart centred, soul searching work leads us to a great place in life. The reason I believe that is because not only have I seen it countless times with my clients but it is what I have experienced in my own life. Knowing and following my own passions, listening to my heart has led me in a direction that I would never have believed possible 30 years ago. When I look back to my life – material girl 101 and all the stuff to go with it – versus who I am now and how I understand life, it feels like two different people.

And the effects of understanding yourself better are long reaching. Just as my client has said 11 years after our work together – the understandings you gain about yourself influence the direction you take in life. It is truly a gift you give yourself that lasts a lifetime.

Anyone can start this journey – often it is successful people who have achieved their goals but find that they do not make them happy. Or maybe those experiencing a big shift in life and needing support and guidance – and ideas.

Whatever your situation if you feel this is a gift worth exploring I encourage you to start now. You have a few options – you can begin by reading the Life Lessons course that is for free on my website or if you’d like you can explore joining me on this journey by signing up for a Discovery Session.

Whatever you do remember this – life is not a rehearsal, if it is not working then step back, and go for the transformation, not the quick fix.

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