Take back control – via your thinking
6th December 2023
I heard a phrase today – ‘That’s not for me”, and I immediately thought about how we can choose where we put our focus and how important that is. 2023, for many, has been a challenging year – here’s one idea how to make 2024 better… Just click on the photo below to access the … Continued
Handling the energetic soup…
28th February 2023
I was talking with a client today and we were saying that at the moment it felt like we were wading through a thick energetic soup – that nothing was flowing. Good focus for a thought provoker video I thought – so here it is, just click on the photo below. A couple of ideas … Continued
Are you sad or just feeling vulnerable?
15th August 2022
are you sad or just vulnerable – there is a big difference…
Surrender to Freedom
10th December 2021
I recorded this audio in August when I was in Switzerland and promptly forgot to post it! Having remembered it yesterday and listened to it I think that now is actually the perfect time for this to go out. We are all dealing with restrictions and what feels like a curtailment of freedoms and so … Continued
Creating Happiness – without the details
16th August 2021
Sometimes we just get too caught up on the details when we want to create something. And yes details and clarity are important if we want a specific outcome. However, when it comes to happiness we can be too obsessed with how we will be happy – a person, place, thing etc, what we think … Continued
Why being present in your challenges can change the outcome
20th July 2021
Are you facing more challenges recently and finding them a bit overwhelming? I was reminded recently when I was stuck in a situation that these challenges are presenting us with the opportunity to learn to be really present. Because when we are present it is far easier to deal with whatever is coming towards us … Continued
June – the month of Flow
11th June 2021
I was listening to Lee Harris who takes the pulse of the planet energetically and he talks about June being the month where we begin to feel the flow again. I was recording some video and looked outside my window and there was a river in full flow so thought I’d record this Thought Provoker … Continued
Are you feeling pulled left, right and centre?
14th April 2021
Do you start a task only to get distracted and then have to get your mind back into it – losing valuable time? Are you feeling terrorised by your To Do lists? Is overwhelm a constant companion? Then take 5 minutes out of your busy day and learn of a simple way to get back … Continued
ASAP – and the two missing words
25th March 2021
Another short thought provoker video this time exploring asap and how we can respond to this in a different way – particularly if you are a people pleaser. Do you jump up and react when you read asap? What are you making asap mean? How can you respond differently and still everyone is happy? Watch … Continued