
Beyond Imagination!
19th July 2016

Have you ever had that experience where you have an idea and then through seeming miracles it just keeps on getting better? It literally goes beyond your imagination? A few months ago I was starting to research an idea I had about creating a coaching on horseback retreat in the Canadian Rockies. I had literally … Continued

Acceptance – the key to calm
15th June 2016

As I write this I am sitting in the airport at Basel, and if you have read many of my blogs will you know that I spend quite a lot of time in airports. Basel is my least favourite as the security is so slow and the facilities like wifi often not working. As I … Continued

Divine Timing
20th May 2016

I was talking with a client yesterday and we were discussing the idea of divine timing, of knowing when to do something and when not. If you’ve been experiencing anything like a lot of people I know you’ll have been feeling a bit like you’re  walking through treacle recently. Projects getting delayed, ideas not coming … Continued

The Need to Overflow
20th April 2016

I was on retreat with a client recently and one of the conversations we had was about the common belief that many hold – that we must not put ourselves first. I can remember being told this as a child – it is selfish if you put yourself first, think of others before yourself and … Continued

A new criteria for living
22nd March 2016

I was talking with a client recently about embracing the Wake Up Call and what it means for our lives.  He had been telling me that when he looked back through his life it felt like a failure. That everything he had done was a mistake and that he had wasted the last 45 years. … Continued

Moving from a ‘should’ to a flow
8th March 2016

‘Shoulds’ have come to my attention twice today. One recipient of the Life Lessons wrote to say ‘So much of what you say makes perfect sense. Thanks for the reminder of the should/ought to’. Then I had a session with a client and we were discussing why she was procrastinating – doing everything except the … Continued

There’s a hermit in all of us – for good reason
17th February 2016

I have just returned from a retreat with a client up in the mountains. We had a wonderful, insightful and powerful two days and as we drove down the mountains back to the world she asked me if I often worked with people who felt stuck in every area of life, like she had. The … Continued

True transformation is never a quick fix
2nd February 2016

I was chatting with someone recently about the work I do and she said that she got the impression that my work was far reaching and I responded that she was absolutely right. True transformation is never the quick fix but often people come to me when they are feeling like they are in crisis … Continued

Just what makes a great relationship?
19th January 2016

I was talking with a client last week and she was telling me that she had met the love of her life and it all felt so right. It had been a while and we chatted about the work she had done to prepare herself for a great, healthy, fulfilling relationship and as Valentine’s Day … Continued