Meditation is one of the best tools I know for handling everyday stress and right now at this time it is even more important. I remember one of the Swamis in the ashram I lived in telling me that when things got busy he doubled his meditation because he knew just how important a practice … Continued
How about using this time to look forward and create a ten year vision? The great thing is that it is so far out ahead of now – 2030! – that your mind can’t even try to work out how you can do this so you can think really big, dream big and shoot for … Continued
Stress is a key factor of what we are living through right now. Maybe you are feeling stressed by having to work from home and feeling isolated, or that you have no work and feel fearful about the future. Or maybe you are working from home and three small (or even big!) kids to deal … Continued
Since Saturday I’ve been having a few conversation with people and some have been feeling anxious and fearful. Now if you’ve been touched personally by the virus then I send you much love and many blessings and hope that everything is well soon. But if everything is ok in your world and you are feeling … Continued
Last thought provoker of the year and a friend mentioned recently that 2020 is a new era, a new decade. It got me thinking about what I wanted to create in this decade. Not goals or New Years Resolutions but the feeling I want to predominantly feel. Why? Because what you feel governs your vibration … Continued
I was recently invited by Traci Cornelius to join her on her podcast Women Rockin Business. We had a great chat about how to get unstuck in life and Traci pulled out the best moments for her in our chat. They were: ‘I don’t think we ever stop learning in life’ ‘There are moments in life … Continued
I was up in the Alpujarras and talking to a client about what coaching is – sounds like a no brainer I know but many people liken it to therapy which it is not. I like to think about sport coaches – those who coach the best of the best – because every sports person … Continued
Welcome to this month’s thought provoker video blog. It was prompted by me forgetting what I wanted to speak about this month! And as you will see sometimes it is good to have a pause before we engage mouth:-) Just click the pic below to play the video. This topic is something I often speak about … Continued
How often have you got clear on what you want, done everything you can think of to make it happen and then nothing? And how often at that point have you thought it wouldn’t happen and so gone onto something else? Sound familiar? This month’s thought provoker video is all about that and how I … Continued